Hello everybody! Welcome to my blog! Here you can see many of my writings and my reflections. I really hope you enjoy my blog!
dimarts, 12 de desembre del 2017
As the final product of the firrst term. We work on the NGO and the main big problems in the world as domestic violence, starving children...
Then, after knowing a little about NGO we had to create our own NGO.
Our group decided to do an ngo about wales and how pollution affects the ocean wildlife.
We have created a triptick that you can see here along with a power explaining about all we have done in our NGO, a webpage and finally many cards to contact us.
I wish you like our NGO and don't doubt about getting in touch in our organization.
divendres, 8 de desembre del 2017
The 3rd owner of the house was Mr.Hoffenhof, a rich monk owner of a monsatery. He had bought the house when he decided to have the monastery closed because he had become very rich thanks to stealing the people's donations. He had been listening the sins of the people who came to his monastery until one day, one man had entered and had stolen the donations of that month.
When Mr.Hoffenhof realized it. He got ver angry and at that exact moment, a beggal entered his monastery looking for some alms. Immediately, he thrown him away.

When he opened the door, he saw a man, but not a normal one, he had the authentic face of the devil and until he could even shout, the man stabbed a bog knife in front of his face. The beggal he had thrown away many years ago had returned.
While he was dying, he heard the voice of Professor Eckenthorpe saying, "This is the terrible curse that I brought to this house".
Expressing the Future in Pictures
Last week in class, our teacher Montse organized an special actvity to learn abou the future, we found about the uses of each future tense, we convert in teachers for a minutes and explain what our tense consists of. Then, we represented in a drawing as funniest as we can.
Here there is the four drawings that we finally got.
In Italy, Venice. Lord Capulet organized a prty. the admission of Montaguese family members in the party was forbidden but Romeo and his friend Mercutio entered to the party to see Rosaline, the Lord's Capulete niece and a girl that both friends admired.
In the party, he saw Juliet, Lord's Capulet daughter and he fell in love. Tybalt, Lord's capulet nephew, discovered Romeo but Lord Capulet didn't want to fight and welcomed Romeo in the party. At the end of it, both fell in love.

When he left Juliet's balcony, he met with his friend and casually founded tybalt and Juliet's future husband. A fight began and Mercutio was killed by the Juliet's future husband. In revenge, Romeo killed Tybalt.
When Juliet knew the death of his cousin, she got very sad. Romeo went to her balcony and told her that he was the killed of Tybalt. But he also told to marry her. Julied said yes and went to the bisbe. Bisbe said that they must be married by hiding due to the family rivalitie.
They created a plan; to drink a potion so everybody will think she was death, so both could escape and live together.
Bisbe had to tell the plan to Romeoand he sent a message. But it didn't arrive and Romeo thought she had killed herself due to her cousin death. Rome felt guilty and killed himself.
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